Monday, May 21, 2012

I did it!!!

I am a finisher in the first ever Rock ‘n’ Roll Portland Half Marathon! I ran the race yesterday, cheered on by my friends and thousands of random people. It was amazing, and because I loved it so much, I will now relive it for you…

I ran 13.1 miles in two hours and six minutes. That’s about a 9 ½ minute mile and 13 minutes faster than I thought I could run. It feels so good to have committed to something and followed through with it all the way to the finish. My training the past few months really paid off.

Race day dawned grey and rainy--but only by Oregon standards, which means it was just a light drizzle -- perfect for running. A few other friends ran the race too, so my friend and I started in the same “corral,” way back almost at the end of the line of 20,000 or so runners. When the gun went off, we cheered and pumped ourselves up for the run, and then waited 20 minutes to take off. Despite the wait, I’m glad I started near the back, because the entire race I passed people instead of being passed. Mentally, this is great. The minute I feel someone is overtaking me, I lose confidence, but if I’m constantly passing other people, I feed off of that accomplishment and push myself further. I also hate running next to people, and when there are thousands of people on the same route you can’t avoid this, so I had to pass people to escape them. Consequently, I ran a faster pace than I thought I could. Thanks to my training, I did this without dying at the end. Instead, when I rounded the last bend and tackled my final mile, I sped up, and sprinted the final 100 meters to the finish line. Knowing that I could run so far and still have energy left for a final sprint convinced me that this whole thing was not a lucky incident driven by adrenaline, but the result of commitment and hard work. It feels so good.

Until I started running long distances for this race, I had never experienced a “runner’s high.” But now I know what it is, and I’m addicted. I want to go running today, but my legs need a rest. So now what do I do? Should I do another half marathon? Races are expensive, and that much running is tough on my body, but it feels so good!

Luckily, running is not my only hobby. I also love musical theater, so while I was in Portland this weekend I caught a local production of “Spring Awakening,” a story of angsty teens in 19th century Germany. I had already seen the show in D.C., but loved it so much that I wanted to see it again. My friend Bridget and her parents took me out to dinner and to see the show the night before my big race, and it was magical. Even more so because while we watched our show, a local high school held its prom in the courtyard below, so at intermission we were entertained by teens parading around in white tuxes and long silky dresses. I felt like I had time traveled from the 19th century back to the present, only to witness the same social scene, young love, youthful merriment, and timeless teen dramas.

When we were in Portland, my friend made a comment that sums up how I feel about my life right now. She said, “I needed this. I need to come to Portland once in a while to remind myself that I live in such a small world down in Roseburg. Everything there seems so important, but when I go to Portland I realize that there is so much more.” I agree. I’ve been so caught up in work and how bored I am in Roseburg that I forgot that life isn’t always like this. Even though I live in the unhealthiest, most obese county in the state, running 13.1 miles with thousands of fit people reminded me that the whole world does not live like people in Douglas County do. There is a whole city only three hours from where I live that is full of young, intelligent, hip, (although mostly unemployed) people. I may not be into the hipster thing, but at least I know they exist. I’m excited to go back to Portland next weekend for a bluegrass concert and to just relax.

*Also, I am now officially a Douglas County OSU Extension Master Food Preserver. And I won a pressure canner at my last Food Preserver class! So when I come home, expect me to be making some delicious canned and dry goods for y’all!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Running from Boredom

Ouch. I hurt. I moved at a half-pace all morning at work because I’m so sore. Why? I ran twelve miles yesterday (!!!!!) Back in November, I decided to run a half marathon in May. I wanted to commit to something and follow through, wanted to feel proud of an accomplishment, just in case everything I was supposed to accomplish at work fell through. Well, I have accomplished the running bit and the work bit, and this Sunday I’ll be running through the streets of Portland (13.1 miles to be exact), cheered on by my awesome friends and maybe a few athletic hipsters (do those exist?). I haven’t written in a very long time and I apologize. Anyone who was reading this has probably given up on me at this point, but just in case you have the random urge to check on my blog, here’s a surprise! So why haven’t I written? Well, it could be any number of things…

 1. I got bored with Roseburg. I’ve given up complaining about the blind spots and accepted them (and the five lane highways all over the place) as part of life. When I run, I run the same path, more or less. I love the path along the river that I mentioned before and it never gets old. Usually I can’t run the same route more than a couple times in a row, but I run this one religiously. It reminds me that despite all of the poverty and depressing weather here, I’m living in a beautiful place.

 2. I got bored with work. During the winter months, I ran out of garden food to preserve and play with, and got stuck in the doldrums of less work. I find that I’m much happier if I have too much to do than if I don’t have enough to do. My guilty conscious gets the better of me if I watch Youtube videos instead of work. But I’m working on that. No need to feel guilty for giving myself a break once in a while.

 3. I got bored with my social life. I love, love my friends here. They are super supportive and fun and non-judgmental. Some of the coolest people I’ve befriended in my life. And we have a lot of fun together. We’ve gone on lots of hiking excursions to find more waterfalls, danced our feet off at the Zoo, made homemade beer, held potlucks brimming with tasty food, gone skiing, hung out, gone camping, and many other things. I should have written about these fun activities, but they seemed so normal that I didn’t have the heart to write the experiences down. And despite being surrounded by great people, I’ve felt a little lonely so far from home. I miss my family and old friends and can’t wait to see them in August.

 4. I got bored with the weather. Which is not hard to do. All winter it either rained and stayed grey and depressing, or got really sunny. I kept saying, “what? There’s no rain. It’s just a mist. Where’s the thunder and lightning and downpours?” The rain only occasionally got heavy (and when it did, it flooded my running/bike path) but it wasn’t enough to make me love the sunny days. And there seemed to be a lot of sunny days despite the Roseburgers’ insistence that it is never sunny here in the winter. Now, the weather is hot and sunny and cloudless. Which is great, and I love nice weather. But I can’t remember a spring ever happening. It just got nice all of a sudden. And I love my seasons. I’ve realized that I need definite seasonal weather changes to keep myself on track. If the leaves don’t fall in October and the ground isn’t muddy in March, my body and mind don’t know what to do!

So basically, life has been good here, and I’m really glad I’m here. I love my job and I love my friends. I love the area I live in. But I haven’t written because I feel bored. And when I’m bored I don’t like to write. But the fact that I’m writing right now means that things are looking up and I’m excited about something. Maybe all the fun things I’ll get to do with elementary students this summer, or my half marathon on Sunday, or the concert in Portland I’m going to in a couple weeks, or more camping trips, or swimming in the river this summer, or going to the coast, or going home (I really like that one). I’ll write more this summer, I promise.

Can’t wait to see you all again, whoever and wherever you are!

Monday, January 2, 2012

All I want for Christmas is an apron

I think the rain came to Roseburg. Not sure, really. I’ve experienced more sunny days and misty days than grey, miserable rainy days. Oregonians must just be weak. Since I’m from a hardier Midwest stock, I’ve been gazing out the window at work, hoping and praying that I see a snowflake. No luck. So I’ve flown all the way back to Michigan in search of a real, live snowflake. Still no luck.

Actually, there is snow here, just not much. My friend Abby and I flew from Portland to Detroit Sunday and when we stopped at my favorite West Branch gas station (and pumped our own gas!) we jumped out of the car, ran screaming to the edge of the icy parking lot, and stomped around in the half inch of snow that sprinkled the ground. “Snow! Snow! Snow!” we screamed. “Whoopeeee!—Oh, dang, it’s cold outside. I’m going back to the car.” Oh yes, I have found snow, and cold weather, and at home in Petoskey there’s even a bit of the stuff here and there. But I hope to experience a whistling, mind-numbing, nostril hair-freezing, hair-wetting snowstorm while I’m here. Please, St. Nick, won’t you send a little snow? I’m dreaming of a white Christmas.

Back in Michigan for a couple weeks, I will recount some of the events that happened recently in Roseburg. First, I….uh. Hmmm. What have I been doing? Living? Being happy? Making Christmas cookies, Christmas wreaths, listening to Christmas music non-stop, annoying my roommates with my untamable Christmas cheer? Yes, all of those.

I’ve especially enjoyed this Christmas season because for once I finally have time to do fun things like baking and decorating. In college I was too busy and stressed to do more than piece together a hasty card for friends and could only dream about making cookies. Now that I have too much time on my hands, my domestic side has reared its big sugar-sprinkled head. We had a holiday potluck last week and invited old and new AmeriCorps friends over to our apartment. Usually I make too much food for our potlucks, so this time I tried to reign in my newfound cooking zeal. I decided not to make an entrĂ©e and let the others deal with that. Instead, I made egg nog, peppermint bark, and spinach artichoke dip -- I sense that I have inherited some of my family’s cook-and-eat-too-much-at-gatherings genes. I love being at the stove in the kitchen while guests arrive, just putting the finishing touches on dish X, Y, or Z. I love getting compliments on the food I make—the peppermint bark was almost a disaster (I burned the chocolate) but I salvaged it into something more than edible and I think people actually liked it. I’ve found my way of saying thanks, saying I care, and that’s through food, through hosting, through making people at ease and sharing hearty conversation over a hearty meal.

This culinary awakening shouldn’t be as surprising as it is. I’m starting to think I couldn’t have picked a better AmeriCorps position, and maybe it wasn’t as random an adventure as I thought. I spend most of my time cooking food and trying to get students to see the countless ways that making healthy, sustainable food can improve their lives and the world. Last summer, when I debated moving out to Oregon, I think the school garden’s juicy produce called to me across the country. I didn’t hear it with my ears, though. I heard it with my stomach. Or, more likely, my taste buds.

Oh yeah, although I’m obsessed with cooking, I do participate in other activities. Last weekend we drove to the coast and hiked around the Oregon Dunes. Beautiful, and bigger than Sleeping Bear, I hear—take a look at some pictures.