Sunday, November 13, 2011

Waiting for the rain

It’s mid-November in the Pacific Northwest and I’m looking out a coffee shop window at sunshine. Not what I expected when I came out here. I’m still waiting for The Rain to come. It drizzled a little last night but it’s nice out again. I went to Seattle last weekend and it was beautiful and sunny the entire time. The locals assure me that it will get rainy, but I’m starting to think they’re just trying to scare me, and that people in southern Oregon have it really, really good when it comes to weather. (That’s what I’m hoping anyway. I’m not much of a rain person. I’m very jealous of my friends back in Michigan who are already seeing snow.)

So what am I doing on this non-rainy day? Not a whole lot. That seems to be the theme here lately. I had Friday off for Veteran’s day, which turns out to be a huge holiday here. (Possibly due to the VA hospital nearby and the extreme rural conservatism and patriotism of the people who live around here.) I met some friends for breakfast at a bagel shop Friday morning and was overwhelmed by the crowds that had gathered downtown for the parade. Normally, downtown Roseburg is quaint, but eerily quiet. Even on weekend nights when people are out at the bar. Veteran’s Day is a whole ‘nuther matter, though. I’ve never seen so many people in town, and it was fun running into fellow teachers and students from school and actually recognizing non-AmeriCorps people. The parade itself was kind of boring, with the exception of a float of anti-Agent Orange veterans releasing fifty orange balloons into the air (I didn’t think people still did that—isn’t it bad for the environment, etc??) After the balloons rose up into the air, a mile long parade of motorcycles tooted their horns, revved their engines, and filled the street with exhaust. AMERICA! I may have teared up a little. I get very emotional at patriotic events. I wish I was more patriotic, myself, but it’s hard to love America unconditionally when you’ve spent so much time in other places.

Besides a day trip to Eugene, this weekend hasn’t been that exciting. Yesterday I was so bored I got out my flute and played every scale I remember from high school, sang all of my songs from voice lessons years ago, made cookies, played racquetball, and watched a movie. Sounds jam-packed, but it was all done in an attempt to quell my boredom. And I don’t think I succeeded. Luckily I can go to fun places like Eugene and Portland and Seattle to find excitement. Speaking of Seattle, I drove up there last weekend to visit my cousin Gwenna for her birthday. I love Seattle. It’s so much cooler than Portland, and not as obnoxiously hipster. I’m excited to go back there for Thanksgiving.

So now I’m sitting in a coffee shop pretending I’m still in college and have to get some work done. I almost wish I had a huge paper to write, to complete the nostalgic moment. Almost. But I’m not that bored. Yet.

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